Thursday, February 10, 2011

Aloha & Welcome!

Thanks for stopping by my *brand new* baking blog! I've thought about starting this blog for quite some time now, and finally decided to go for it! My goal is to use this space as a way of sharing my kitchen messes and successes with friends and family I don't see often enough, and spread some sweetness to others.

Although I sell some of my baked goods at our family restaurant, I don't consider myself a "baker," just a baking enthusiast. I love trying, creating, collecting, and experimenting with recipes. Maybe some day I'll even invent some of my own!

So why "The Shortcakery," you ask? Back in my college days, I worked at a Girl Scout camp under the nickname "Shortcake." The name has stuck, to a certain extent, and I'd probably still respond to it. I also absolutely adore strawberry shortcake (both the dessert and the American Greetings cartoon character).

I hope you enjoy your visit today and check back often for more posts, pics, and recipes.

1 comment:

  1. awww i love this! good luck with your's a lot of work! :)
